Hello friends. This is a Divide & Conquer web-site. Rather than taking up too much space with boring rock n' roll information, hopefully this site can eventually offer the visitor a chance to learn and connect with others... we'll see. Anyway, we're a hardcore band, two thirds from Edinburgh in Scotland and one third from Dijon in France.  We've existed since 1995 in one form or another and have put out a few records and toured all over the place (squats and basements).   We've just released a new 7" on our label Ginger Liberation and a label from here in Dijon called Maloka. The music is somewhat tuneful and often plenty noisy with lyrics that usually do not bring much glory to religion and state.  Besides that, we still embrace a  DIY ethic and have no problems putting out our own records, organizing tours, helping other bands and activists, etc. Of course, it's the music and meeting good folx around the world (who are helping to make the  planet a better place to live) that makes playing and travelling worth the trouble. Creating an internationalism within a politicized hardcore scene is where it's at. Anyway, enjoy the site and feel free to get in touch.  Information is strength!